Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Maternity Coalition has had a group of INFOSHEETS available online since 2006. INFOSHEETS provide consumer information that is current, accurate, evidence based, women centred, and independent of maternity care providers. INFOSHEETS will assist women to make informed decisions about their maternity care, regardless of their chosen place of birth or care provider.

These documents are presented as .pdf files, which can be downloaded, copied and distributed freely without change.  They are used by midwives, as handouts to clients, at public events, and by other maternity education providers.

Over time each of the INFOSHEETs needs to be reviewed, revised and updated.  Any document that is found to have errors or out of date information can be revised immediately.  New INFOSHEETS can be developed at any time.

Anyone who would like to have a part in the current review process, please join the MATERNITY INFOSHEETS facebook group.

At present we are reviewing the following INFOSHEETS:

Baby’s first feed: how a baby can initiate breastfeeding

A healthy newborn baby who is kept in skin to skin contact with the mother from birth will begin to seek her breast, usually within minutes of birth.  Experts have advised that early initiation of breastfeeding can prevent 22% of all deaths among babies below one month of age in developing countries.  Early breastfeeding also protects the health of Australian babies.

Newborn babies, whether they are born naturally or with medical assistance, have natural instincts that enable them to move towards the breast and begin breastfeeding soon after birth.  This process is known as the ‘Breast Crawl’.  ...

Who cares?”  Choosing a Model of Maternity Care

· The wellbeing of the mother and her child is the primary focus of all professional maternity care

· A midwife is the most appropriate primary carer in normal pregnancy and birth

· Midwives work collaboratively with doctors, nurses, and other professional care providers in complex pregnancy and birthing situations

Labour in Water

There are many ways in which a labouring woman and those providing care for her can either work with the natural process, or interfere.  How you will manage pain is a decision that you need to consider in planning for spontaneous, unmedicated birth. Deep water immersion is a valuable, non-medical, drug free ‘comfort measure’ for women in labour. A pool or bath has a relaxing, calming, positive effect on everyone in your birth environment – you, your baby, your partner, your support people, and your care providers. ...

Other titles of INFOSHEETS are:
  • A healthy pelvic floor after childbirth (2012) 
  • Postnatal Exercises (2012) 
  • Decision-making for breech births (2013)
  • A baby's transition from the womb to the outside world(2011) 
  • The third stage of Labour (2011) 
  • Preparing your Birth Plan (2006) 
  • Births after Caesarean (2006) 
  • Bearing down or directed pushing? (2006) 

Please leave a comment at this site, or contact us via the MATERNITY INFOSHEETS link above, for more information.

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